Moonton released Mobile Legends: Bang Bang patch 1.7.20, and as part of the Project NEXT initiative which updates old heroes, the developers have improved the character model and animations of Gusion and Lesley, two heroes who were released in 2018.
The developers decided to do something more for Lesley. Instead of just updating her character model and skill effects like what they did with Gusion, they have also refined some of her skills.
Lesley has always been a situational pick, for she lacks mobility and early game damage. However, these changes to her skills have made her a viable pick in a meta where tanks are now played in the jungle and EXP lane.
Changes to Lesley in Mobile Legends patch 1.7.20

- Base Attack increased from 131 to 140
- Attack Growth decreased from 9 to 7
- Attack Speed Ratio decreased from 100% to 80%
Passive – Lethal Shot
- Lethal Shot crits now deal true damage but the base crit damage is reduced
- Each point of fixed physical penetration is converted into crit damage at a set ratio
- Damage decreased from 120% physical attack to 110% physical attack
- Fixed an issue where some equipment could not get a bonus crit chance from this skill
Skill 1 – Master of Camouflage
- Now comes with brand-new textures while Camouflaged to better fit the effect
- we’ve also improved it for smoother combos with basic attacks
- Extra physical attack decreased from 75-200 to 85-135
- Fixed an issue where some equipment could not get a bonus attack from this skill
Skill 2 – Tactical Grenade
- Slightly increased the casting range, redesigned the animation and visual effects, and optimized its combos with basic attacks and Skill 1.
Ultimate – Ultimate Snipe
- Redesigned the indicator and visual effects
- Fatal Bullet’s Base Damage increased from 200-300 to 250-350
- New passive effect: Gains critical chance based on the skill level (5%-15%)
- Mobile Legends Melissa guide: Best build, skills, emblem, combos
- Exclusive: Is the Talent System officially scrapped? Moonton clarifies
Lesley joins fellow marksmen Wanwan and Karrie in the true damage club

The biggest change to the Deadly Sniper in patch 1.7.20 is that she now deals true damage on her first skill, Lethal Shot. Before the update, only two marksman heroes could deal true damage in the game: Karrie and Wanwan.
This change is already having an impact in ranked games. According to MLBB stats, Lesley is now the second most picked hero in Mythic III and above, overtaking Beatrix for the first time since her release.
Ultimate Snipe’s base damage has also been slightly increased, and now provides an extra 5% crit chance per skill level.
While these changes are definitely welcome in the current meta where tank junglers thrive, she will have less impact in the laning phase against marksmen with gap closers. To balance out the increase in base damage, her attack growth per level and attack speed ratio have been reduced.
Lethal Shot also deals less critical damage. Unless you’re up against someone who has already built defensive items, chances are you won’t deal as much damage.
In short, Lesley is a great marksman against a tanky lineup but still falls flat when compared to other marksmen heroes who have high DPS and gap closers.
Whether Lesley will be picked this season in MPL PH and MPL ID remains to be seen, as new and reworked heroes will only be allowed in pro play two weeks after their debut.
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READ MORE: After dominating the gold lane for a year, Beatrix gets nerfed to the ground in patch 1.7.20