Genshin Impact welcomes prominent Inazuman politician in Kamisato Ayato, a 5-star Hydro sword user.
Ayato works tirelessly as the head of his clan and the Yashiro Comission, but never forgets to honor his duties as a big brother to Ayaka.
If you want to cut through your opponents with grace, here are all the Ayato materials you’ll need for his ascension.
Locations and routes of Ayato materials for Character Ascension
Hydro Hypostasis
- Location of boss is north of Sangonomiya Shrine
- 1 Varunada Lazurite Sliver
- 9 Varunada Lazurite Fragments
- 9 Varunada Lazurite Chunks
- 6 Varunada Lazurite Gemstones
- 46 Dew of Repudiation
- Alternate source of Varunada Lazurite: Oceanid
Sakura Bloom
- Sakura Bloom is exclusively found in the nation of Inazuma
- 168 Sakura Bloom
- An Electro character must use its element on the Sakura cloud to turn it into a Sakura Bloom
Here are three sample farming routes for Sakura Bloom:
- Nobushi are exclusively found in the nation of Inazuma
- 18 Old Handguards
- 30 Kageuchi Handguards
- 36 Famed Handguards
Here are three sample farming routes for Nobushi:
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Locations and routes of Ayato materials for Talent Ascension
End of the Oneiric Euthymia (Raiden Shogun domain)
- Location is underneath the Grand Narukami Shrine
- 18 Mudras of the Malefic General
- You must complete the “Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II – Transient Dreams” story quest to unlock this domain
- A rarer type of Ayato material for Ascension, only appears once a week as a Trounce Domain

Violet Court domain on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
- Location is west of Inazuma City
- 9 Teachings of Elegance
- 63 Guides to Elegance
- 114 Philosophies of Elegance

- 18 Old Handguards
- 66 Kageuchi Handguards
- 93 Famed Handguards
Crown of Insight
- 3 Crowns of Insight
- Obtainable by upgrading the Frostbearing Tree to Level 11, upgrading the Sacred Sakura’s Favor to Level 15, and playing through Genshin Impact’s various limited-time events

Kamisato Ayato will be available in V2.6’s “Azure Excursion” Character Event Wish alongside three 4-star characters on March 30.
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READ MORE: Full list of Genshin characters: Rarity, element, nation, and release