Twitch streamer Albert “BoxBox” Sunzheng surprised the League of Legends community after showing fans a new way to play the game. He successfully programmed a bot to become his support in League of Legends.
BoxBox’s Bao Bot plays League of Legends through voice command

BoxBox has taken gaming to the next level by programming an artificial intelligence software to serve as his support in League of Legends.
He programmed the AI named “Bao Bot” to pick the support champion Janna in all of his matches.
Bao Bot’s Janna can do almost anything that a regular LoL player manually does — learn champion skills, target enemies, throw spells in their direction, and even use Summoner Spells. The AI support player is also capable of communicating and imitating other players in the game.
BoxBox rewrote AterialDawn’s original Javascript code to control Bao Bot Janna’s behavior. This includes her movement and casting skills.
Despite minor technical difficulties, BoxBox has certainly rediscovered a fun yet innovative way of playing League of Legends. Will this become the future of gaming soon?
Bao the vtuber

Bao bot’s voice actually originated from the vtuber Bao. This whale vtuber is also a virtual singer under the name Hikaru Station. Some of her most popular song covers include Doja Cat’s “Say So”, Animal Crossing’s “Bubblegum K.K.”, and many more.
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Is BoxBox the best Riven player in the world?

BoxBox has made a name in the League of Legends scene as one of the game’s best Riven players. He is a top lane main who has mastered other champions like Jayce and Gnar.
Just like pro player Sneaky, BoxBox is also known for his League of Legends cosplays featuring Arcade Riven and Pizza Delivery Sivir.
This has been translated from Vu Long’s original Vietnamese article.
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