Updated on May 2, 11:26 a.m. (GMT+8): Improved relevancy, added more useful links.
The GOAT has returned!
Genshin Impact welcomes the magic of Liyue once again with Ganyu, a Cryo bow user.
A timid secretary of the Liyue Qixing, the half-qilin adeptus is much more than that, for she helped to defeat the ancient god Osial in the Liyue Archon quest.
If you want the ice goddess to chill in your four-stack, here are all the Ganyu materials you’ll need for her ascension.
Locations and routes of Ganyu materials for Character Ascension
Cryo Regisvine
- Location of boss is east of Mondstadt
- 1 Shivada Jade Sliver
- 9 Shivada Jade Fragments
- 9 Shivada Jade Chunks
- 6 Shivada Jade Gemstones
- 46 Hoarfrost Cores
- Alternate sources of Shivada Jade: Cryo Hypostasis
- Qingxin is exclusively found in the region of Liyue
- 168 Qingxin
Here are three sample farming routes for Qingxin:
- Whopperflowers are found in all regions
- 18 Whopperflower Nectar
- 30 Shimmering Nectar
- 36 Energy Nectar
Here are three sample farming routes for Whopperflowers:
Locations and routes of Ganyu materials for Talent Ascension
Enter the Golden House (Tartaglia)
- Location is south of Liyue
- 18 Shadows of the Warrior
- A rarer type of Ganyu materials for Ascension, only appears once a week as a Trounce Domain
- You can unlock this domain by completing the Liyue Archon Quest

Taishan Mansion domain on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
- Location is in the middle of Jueyun Karst
- 9 Teachings of Diligence
- 63 Guides to Diligence
- 114 Philosophies of Diligence

- 18 Whopperflower Nectar
- 66 Shimmering Nectar
- 93 Energy Nectar
Crown of Insight
- 3 Crowns of Insight
- Obtainable by upgrading the Frostbearing Tree to Level 11, upgrading the Sacred Sakura’s Favor to at least Level 15, upgrading the Sumeru Tree of Dreams to at least Level 5, and playing Genshin Impact’s various limited-time events
Here’s a guide on how to Triple Crown a character in Genshin impact.
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READ MORE: 3 ice cold Genshin Impact rituals to bring Ganyu home