Kamisato Ayato is the latest 5-star DPS character in Genshin Impact, but does the heartthrob’s gameplay live up to the hype of his character demo and love for boba tea?
Genshin content creator Michael “Mtashed” Tash shared his thoughts on Ayato’s combat style, and how he sizes up to other 5-star DPS mains.
Mtashed’s first impressions of Kamisato Ayato
He is a Hydro flex pick
The YouTuber’s video highlighted the viability of the 5-star Hydro character in Spiral Abyss and trounce domain runs. He felt that Ayato provided a broad playstyle that works well with various team compositions.
“I don’t care what enemies they throw at me, and I don’t care who’s vaporizing and enabling who. I just put Ayato and Xiangling together and they do a bunch of damage,” said Mtashed.
On top of Vaporize compositions that use him as a main DPS, Ayato works well as a sub-DPS alongside Raiden Shogun. Mtashed tested an Electro-Charged composition that utilized Ayato’s AoE Hydro burst Suiyuu with Raiden’s Musou Shinsetsu.
Since Musou Shinsetsu converts Raiden’s normal attacks into Electro, the YouTuber was able to repeatedly interrupt the attacks of Geovishaps with Electro-Charged reactions.
“This is the Hydro guy. He does Hydro AoE effect, hits with Hydro damage, and it works. He does his job,” commented Mtashed.
Ayato’s elemental skill Kyouka looks stylish

The content creator gave Ayato extra points for having a flashy elemental skill. When using Kyouka, Ayato deals lightning-fast Hydro slashes that leave faint images of himself while in combat.
Mtashed also mentioned that the skill is very useful against long-ranged and aerial opponents. During one of his Spiral Abyss runs, the Hydro slashes of Kyouka managed to hit a flying Golden Wolflord.
His elemental burst is perfect for Ganyu

When looking at other strong synergies for Ayato, Mtashed found that he could work well with another 5-star character, Ganyu.
Ganyu’s elemental burst is a 15-second AoE Cryo attack that rains ice shards. Since Suiyuu’s uptime is 18 seconds and deals similar damage with falling Hydro swords, players can combine the two bursts for 15 seconds of nonstop Freeze reactions that can also clear out waves of enemies.
Is Ayato actually worth your primogems?
While Ayato could be a solid addition to your Spiral Abyss parties, Mtashed still sees Ganyu as the must-have DPS character for free-to-play accounts.
Compared to Ayato’s Hydro-based gameplay, Ganyu has a kit that’s more versatile which deals incredible Cryo damage and stronger Melt reactions. If you’d like to learn more about her skills, you can check out our Ganyu best build guide.
“I think he’s good, but I don’t think he’s going to break the game. I like him and I would recommend him if you need a Hydro character,” concluded the Genshin streamer.
You can watch the Mtashed’s initial review of Ayato down below:
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