Warzone 2.0’s DMZ mode offers plenty of secrets to uncover, including DMZ keys that lead to locked buildings and rooms scattered around the map.
These locations often hold high-tier loot, helping you build up your stash — if you manage to exfiltrate with what you find. However, it’s not always obvious where to use the keys or what they open.
Here’s a look at all DMZ keys and where to use them on the map grid.
What do DMZ keys open in Al Mazrah?

DMZ keys drop from multiple sources across Al Mazrah, including loot caches, armored enemies, and high-value targets (HVTs). Enemies and HVTs have a higher chance of dropping keys, but you can also purchase random keys from Buy Stations at a steep price of $30,000.
Some keys also have a gold border, which means they have higher-tier loot.
Ahmed Grocery Store Office | H5 |
Airport Maintenance | G5 |
Al Bagra Barrack | G7 |
Al Bagra Fortress Antiquities Office | G7 |
Al Bagra Munitions Storeroom | F7 |
Al Bagra Officers Quarters | G7 |
Al Safwa Stone Block Office | C4 |
Algae Covered Toolbox | F3 |
Bank of Adal 2nd Story Office/Top Story Office | D7 |
B.C. Toolbox | G5 |
Canal Apartment 10 | F3 |
Caretaker’s House | D5 |
Cavern Boat Dock Shack | D6 |
Central Sa’ld Top Floor Apartment | C6 |
Central Zaya Meeting Room | F5 |
Ch 7 Editorial Department | F2 |
Ch 7 Secure Records | F2 |
Clock Repair Tools | F7 |
Control Tower | G5 |
Crane Control Room | B3 |
Deckhand’s Toolbox | E8 |
Downtown Post Office | F4 |
Enfer Back Room | D6 |
Groundskeeping Building | E6 |
Far South Eastern Storage Closet | H5 |
Hafid Ship Bridge Cache | B6 |
Hafid Ship First Mate Cache | B6 |
Hydro Island Computer | E4 |
IHTAQ Warehouse Supply Room | C6 |
Kushaak Construction Warehouse | B4 |
Longshoreman’s Duffel Bag | B6 |
Mawizeh Cell Shop | F4 |
Mawizeh Slum Discarded Cache | F4 |
Mawizeh Power Control | G4 |
Mountaintop Spotter Shack | G5 |
North Canals Info Boot | F3 |
Old Lighthouse Citadel Room | E6 |
Police Academy | G3 |
Police Academy Locker Room | G4 |
Police Academy Server Admin | G4 |
Power Substation Toolbox | D7 |
Quarry Worker’s Lost Toolbox | B4 |
Rohan Control Room Locker | D3 |
Rohan Oil North Guard Shack | D3 |
Rohan Oil South Guard Shack | D3 |
Sattiq Poppy Farmer House | C4 |
Sawah Hotel Room 302/303 | D7 |
Scientist’s Locker | F5 |
Special Forces Deaddrop | G2 |
Special Ops Relay Station | C5 |
South Al Bagra Barrack Top Floor Bedroom | G7 |
South Bank Apartment | D6 |
South Zaya Scientist Apartment | D6 |
Sunken Ship Thief’s Cache | E8 |
Sunken Ship Captain’s Cache | E8 |
Taraq River Supply Shack | E2 |
Taraq Smuggler’s Office | E2 |
Traveler’s Luggage | G6 |
Under Freeway East Warehouse | G4 |
Weapons Repair Kit | D4 |
Yum Yum Burger Back Room | G3 |
Zarqwa Red Village Apartment | E4 |
Zaya Radar Dome | E5 |
Find out how to save custom loadouts, view which double XP tokens you have active, and where to find hidden caches in Al Mazrah.
READ MORE: Where is Building 21 in Warzone DMZ?