Valorant’s ninth map, Lotus, is set in a lost city that offers a unique and challenging environment for players.
It is the only map, other than Haven, to feature three spike sites, offering players plenty of options whether they’re on attack or defense. It also introduces three new map mechanics including rotating doors, a destructible wall, and a silent drop. These new features will bring in fresh strategies and interactions for players of all skill levels.
To help you get ahead of the competition, we have a wide list of Lotus map guides, including all the callouts and locations you should know, along with agent-specific tips and tricks for Sova, Sage, and controller agents.
We’ve also ranked the best agents in each class for Lotus.
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Here is a complete list of Lotus map guides

Lotus map
Map design process | Valorant Lead Artist Brian Yam and Map Design Lead Joe Lansford share Riot Games’ inspirations for Lotus. |
Callouts and locations | Learn all the calls and locations on the map that will help you communicate better with your teammates. |
Agent guides for Lotus
Best Sova lineups | Easy lineups to execute shared by popular Sova main Jonas “Average Jonas” Navarsete. |
Best smoke spots | Line of sights you should aim to block off when using dome smokers like Omen, Astra, or Brimstone. |
Best Sage wall spots for defenders | Sage walls to stop attackers from getting into sites. |

Agent tier lists for the best team compositions
Controller agent tier list | Smoke agents who will give your team more control over the map. |
Sentinel agent tier list | Learn which among Cypher, Killjoy, Sage, or Chamber has the best defensive and anti-flank skills on the lost-city map. |
Duelist agent tier list | Jett, Raze, Reyna, Yoru, Neon — discover which agent improves your chances at winning duels. |
Initiator agent tier list | Initiator agents who have the best agent utility that will help your team. |
READ MORE: How to rank up consistently in Valorant, according to nAts