If you’re looking for a controller agent who can repeatedly block off vision, then Harbor is the Valorant agent who will get the job done.
The Indian agent has plenty of smokes at his disposal, but they will only work if you know how to use them. To expand your agent pool, we’ve listed down all the Harbor guides you’ll need to become an adept controller.
These guides include important information from the Valorant developers, where they explain Harbor’s design process and how he is intended to be played.
Complete list of Harbor guides

Harbor’s agent design and lore
First look at Harbor | All abilities revealed in Harbor’s Turn the Tides trailer. |
Harbor’s character design process | How Indian mythology and popular culture shared Harbor. |
How to play Harbor
All agent abilities explained | Everything you need to know about Harbor’s abilities. |
How Harbor is meant to be played | Riot Games Designer Alexander Mistakidis explains how you should play Harbor. |
Harbor versus Viper | Pro players weigh in on Harbor’s place in the meta. |

Harbor map guide
Best maps for Harbor | All maps where Harbor could shine in as a controller. |
Additional information about Harbor
Harbor’s voice actor | Who did Riot Games hire to voice the swashbuckling adventurer? |
Harbor cosplay | Indian FPS legend Ankit “V3nom” Panth steals the spotlight with his Harbor cosplay. |