If you have money to spare and want to buy a few MLBB epic skins, today is your lucky day!
Here is a compiled a list of some of the best MLBB epic skins that are available in the in-game shop.
These skins provide the best character model change and skill effect changes. Plus, it’s cheaper compared to some of the rarer skins which require you to participate in gacha events.
Are MLBB epic skins worth it?
Skins do not only provide cosmetics to your favorite hero, but they also give a small boost to your stats in the early game.
Putting on a skin gives the player a fresher experience, especially if they have played the hero a lot. If you want to show off just how dedicated you are to a specific hero, having a beautiful skin does that for you. Think of it as a trophy or a badge of honor in the Land of Dawn.
5. Eyes of Eternity Lunox

First on our MLBB epic skins list is one of the most challenging mage heroes to play, Lunox.
Eyes of Eternity Lunox is the perfect skin for role playing as an angel and devil at the same time. Shifting between Power of Chaos and and Power of Order, this look is completely different from her other skins, which only focuses on her “good side”.
Want to play as an evil version of Lunox? Definitely get this skin.
4. Celestial Bastion Uranus

Celestial Bastion Uranus is one newest MLBB epic skins to hit the server. Some say it’s very similar to his default skin, but seeing it in-game in the Land of Dawn will change your mind, for it’ll definitely gives you a sense of power and strength.
The skin blooms with brilliance, and using this skin alone may be enough to intimidate your enemies. The skin makes Uranus appear thicker, which helps when you’re trying to spam Ionic Edge.
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- Celestial Bastion Uranus is the guardian angel you’ve been dreaming of
3. S.T.U.N. Selena

S.T.U.N. Selena is the best S.T.U.N. skin, and can even be argued to be Selena’s best skin right now. From her traps to the Abyssal Arrow, every skill looks polished and perfect.
Also, she transforms into a walking diamond in Abyssal Form. How awesome is that? Out of all the MLBB epic skins for mages, this one is the cherry on top.
2. Rattan Dragon Estes

If you are a big fan of the Lord of the Rings series, Rattan Dragon Estes might be right up your alley. This skin is simple, but radiates a majestic vibe in the Land of Dawn.
Playing with this skin feels magical, and it brings such a different vibe that it might make you think that you’re playing another hero altogether.
For only 899 diamonds, this skin is a must, especially if you want to practice Blacklist International’s ‘UBE’ strategy.
1. Codename: Rhino Grock

Codename: Rhino Grock is a skin that should be classified as a Collector skin for how stunningly detailed it is.
The character model and the skills are top-notch, and it’s basically a steal at just 899 diamonds. Put this skin on your priority list!
READ MORE: General Void Alpha is the first-ever super villain squad skin in MLBB